Jiawei Ruan will start his group at the Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo

In February 2025, Dr. Jiawei Ruan, a former member of Louie’s group, started his research group at the Department of Physics, Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo.


For more information, please refer to the link: https://www.physruan.com/. He is now building his own group, students and postdocs who are interested are very welcome to contact him through email: jwruan@eitech.edu.cn.

Prof. Steven G. Louie Elected a Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Professor Steven G. Louie has been elected a Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Louie shares this honor with Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek of MIT, who is the only other foreign academician elected in Physics. The election occurs every two years, and Professor Louie is one of 25 foreign academicians to be elected this cycle. Congratulations!

Source: Chinese Academy of Sciences https://casad.cas.cn/yszx2017/yszx2021/tzgg_2021zx/202111/t20211118_4814539.html